HapPy Halloween!!!
YAY!!!! It's halloween's daY!!!! Is it? I think so. Wahahahahaaha! And I'm like dying to develop the film in my camera!! Cos' I remembered I took pictures of John and Sugi wearing "THE SCREAM" masks quite some time ago!! It was very very funnY. Wahahaha. Anyways, I was supposed to start studying for the exam coming up on this Friday. (MOB) But somehow, I ended up slacking again. Awwwwwwww. Then I told Dad that I wanted to go to school on my own for the Astro meeting at 7pm. But he kept insisting on fetching me to school. Alright. I gave up. Lol. Then we were about to reach the expressway when he said he forgot to take something important with him. Then he drove back home. I waited and waited and waited. Was really late le. Von was getting impatient. So I asked my dad if I could go to school first. Got scolded as a result. *_* Nvm. I waited again. Ahhhh...15mins later he finally came out. Hurried to the mrt station. Then saw ah von with Shiying and some other astro seniors there. Alright. We were all late. Lol! And they were all waiting for me. *big shot again* That talk was about the SingAstro Festival on 12th and 13th Nov. We were practically freezing in the clubhouse. Hmmm..then Mingzhi put me in registration..Awwwww. I'll be sitting at the same place for 2 whole days. Von and I will be helping out at the Gallery section too. Lol! Anyway, we are all helping out for this festival. Hmm..anyone can just come and see ya? This festival is from 8am to 10pm on 12th noV and 10.30am to 10pm on 13th Nov. U can choose to leave any time. But it'll be one whole day of fun activities! And there'll be star gazing in the night. Ok. I'm like advertising for this. LOL! If u don't know where is it..just ask those usherers stationed at the mrt station. *cos' I've got no idea where the concourse area is* =x Shhhh..hope none of the astro seniors sees this or they'll beat me up. xD And after the long long talk, I met Dear dear at BB mrt station. Yay! And we ate Burger King at some void deck. He sent me home thereafter. -hugs- HMm..not gonna see dear dear for quite some time due to exams. I'll study hard! Lol! Devilish me says, "Ya righT." Awww..nono. I'll study hard de! Lol!. *going bonkers* Haha. Anyway, have a very nice Halloween's DaY!!!
Ps: I'll link u guys someday when I change my layout ok? xD Got to concentrate on exams first.
We can work things out -5:55 PM
Sunday, October 31, 2004
"It's raining babe. Hallelujah it's raining babe...." CraZy. I don't even know who sung this song. That singer's still around right? Lol. Anyway, it's raining cats and dogs now. I'm supposed to be studying but I can't help yawning away. Felt so sick last night. And I'm alright now. Weird!!!! Ok. Dear dear finished his grade 8 piano theory exam! Omg. He said it was easy. Hmmm. He's gonna get another distinction le. CoOl! I can learn piano for free next time. xD I'm feeling so lazy now. +.+ Astro's meeting at 7pm.. I'm gonna help out for SingAstro Festival!! So coOl. I can't wait! Lol! The pictures, gallery and everything are going to be fantastIc. Yes. And I'm gonna be really busy on 12th and 13th nov. Argh. I'm sleepy now. Should I nap? I think I should. Haha. Gonna get going. xD
We can work things out -4:24 PM
Saturday, October 30, 2004
I'm tiRed. Seriously exhausted. *_* Didn't studied like that for sOooo long ever since O levels. Studied only for 2 days and I'm worn out. Omg. I'm old. >_< LOl. Woke up at 10am everyday to study and go to bed at 2am to 3am. Yawns. Ok. The test wasn't as difficult as I imagined. Hmmm. NothIng much hapPened. Hmm. Dragged my feet home after the test today cos' I'm tired. Again. LOL! And I decided to eat Burger King for lunch. Kor kor told me to buy extra onion rings for him and Harvard. *Harvard's studying with my bro at home* Hmm.. went to "Burger King" to buy the foOd. When I placed my order, that old lady gave me a puzzled look and said,"Onion rings is next door." Awwww. I realised I was in KFC. Grrrrr. So embarrassed can!!! Quickly said a sorrY and went to BK. +.+ Guess I'm sOoo tired that I can't even differentiate the different fast-foOd restaurants? Omg. It's just like the case when my cousin told me to buy kaya bread, and I bought a bottle of kaya + one loaf of bread. Gosh. I think I need tO waKe UP! LOL! I'm still living in my dreamland. That's kinda terrible. LOL! Okok. I'm gonna be a piG now while dear dear is in schOol. Haha! Nites!
We can work things out -1:57 PM
Friday, October 29, 2004
PACC exam.

Yes. I'm back. Only for today though! xD Hmm.. Haven't been blogging these few days cos' I'm really busy with exams. Yeah. Studied for PACC for the past 2 days. Hmm..funny thing. We've got like one week to study for it. I don't know how Siying and I managed to slack for 5 days before we really started studying on Saturday and Sunday. *_* Guess it's all the distractions from home? Maybe one day I should hack down my computer. There! No more distractions! KOr kor can study for his Os in peace and Dear dear won't have any headaches over me toO! -whines. What about my bloggY?- =x Alright. Oh ya.. I realised that I've been eating instant noOdles for practically all the meals today. Lunch and dinner. Yeah! And the test's fantastic! I didn't have a watch. And I didn't really studied the last few chapters in detail due to the lack of time. *or perhaps my laziness* Yeps. But somehow I managed to finish my last sentence at the last minute. Alright! -Passed- Phew. Coming up next is...ECONs! Omg. Don't understand anYthing at all. Ok..guess I'll have to go to the library near Causeway Point with Siying again tmr. Yeah. Wish both of us luck. And Dear dear..Please cheer uP!!! Smile! xD

We can work things out -1:25 AM
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Fuhua's Band.
Feeling so sO tiRed and laZy todaY. Woke up at 1pm with only 2 fishballs in my tummY for my lunch, then went to band le. Waited foR only 5mins at the school's bus stoP for Meng. THought he's gonna be late foR an hour again. LoL! Hmm..we realised that we were really early when we reached schoOl, so we went to the library to study abit first. But ended up chattIng. *_* No mOod to study. Awwwwww..slackers. +.+ Hmmm. Went to the Ava roOm at 3pm. THen we were practising in the band stoRe. Ahhh. Cos' the band was playing Joseph's and we didn't want to play that song. =x So we waited and waited for them to practise another piece..just then, Bryan from Tanglin's band came and played the jaZz set. Ahh. Just nice. Phantom of the Opera medly. Thought the piece was super duper difficult. So we went in to the room and I stared at the score. *Faints* Ok..not so difficult after all. Hmm..but the band wasn't able to play it. *_* The sec 1s beside me were totally quiet. Hmm hmm..Time tO do something mabeL? Lolx. Quite un-enjoyable. But nvM. After the practice finished, Mabel told us that Kuan yEe was studying/waiting for us downstairs. Hmm. Before meeting Kuan yEe, Meng and I kope scores. =x Oops. Lol! Rushed downstairs to meet Kuan yEe and she wanted to go to the washrOom. So I followed her. Hmm..she was like asking. "Why so dark?" So I on the light. *switch was outside* Hmm.. when we were about to push the dooR open, we smelt perfume. OMg. -she looked at me, I looked at her- Then both of us ran away. LOL! Hmm..but in order not to waste time looking for another toilet, I pulled her back to the toilet. And ME, being the brave one, went in first. LOL! *cheY* It was just the automatic perfume sprayer. Wahahaha! Ok..then 3 of us took 187 home. Abandoned them on the way cos' I was going to Dear dear's house. =x Lol. Bought dinner to Dear dear's house..was eating and watching tv at the same time. Wahahaha! Then I studied abit of Jap for tomorrow's test. Hmm..I think dear dear's gonna influence me into listening english songs le. Cos' he listens to 98.7fm de. Wah~ So many new songs to dl when I reached home. LOL! The songs are quite nice thouGh. xD -My hapPy ending-
We can work things out -1:26 AM
Friday, October 22, 2004

Cute girl eh? ^^

We can work things out -1:18 AM


We can work things out -3:52 PM
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Ah choo!
Once again, -AH CHOO!- I'm sneezing my nose out. *_* What's the problem with my nose? Lol!!! Ok..anyways, I'm having a study break this week. But I haven't started studying yet!! OMg!! It's wednesday!! Cannot canNot! I must be as hardworking as I used to be last time. No idea when did Caren Yeong change into such a slacker. Awwwww. Talked to Dear on the phone until err..5am last night? Eh eh!! Terrible! He has school at 7am and he didn't want to gO to sleeP. ArgH! I bet he must be asleep at the commuter's concert. Eh!! Nono!! He must be playing for the piano accompaniment. Wahaha. Jia yOu Dear!! While me, rotting rotting* Haha. Ok..I shall go pack up my stuff and start studying le!! *Determination*

We can work things out -3:33 PM
Jia you!

Jia you peePs! Exams are all cOming le! Yeah! We can dO well for them de! xD

We can work things out -3:31 PM
WHite Chick.
KewL! Mabel and Kuanyee came to my house yesterday to dO work with Kor kor. Hmmm..and they were stuck in the master bedroom cos' my friends were coming to do our Ec presentation. Sorry guYs! Lol! Then Siying, Ronny and Peiwen came. We were laming around. *_* Ok..then I was quite busy..cos' got to entertain 2 groups of people. Was talking to Mabel in msn when she's just in the master bed roOm. *_* Lame. Lol! Okies..then I went to Dear dear's house after that..Made abit of changes for the presentation. Ahhhh. Loves to huG dear. xD Hmm..dear walked me home after that. Hmmm...and I just reached home. Planned to buy a bag for tomorrow's presentation alone..but dear wanted to tag along. Wahahaha! =x He came with me..and not knowing that I got a test tomorrow, he bought movie tickets for White Chicks. Wahaha! That show's funNY! LOL! Ok..so here I am studying now. And there's Pearl Harbour tonight! I must jiA yoU!!!!! Tests tests tests. Argh. STill have to do some make-up tomorrow...that's kinda troublesOme. Zz. AlrighT. Off to study now. Tata~
We can work things out -5:51 PM
Sunday, October 17, 2004
Home sweet home. =x I miss home so much everyday. During school, I'll always be praying for lessons to end earlier.. *Home = Rest* ^^ Right now..I'm blogging on my bed..wahaha. -bliss- Anyway, I got 64 marks for Pacc. *_* Nvm. 3 jokers in my class got full marks. They are not of our species - homosapiens. Zz. After lessons, I went to jAppy class. Fun fun! Cos' there's Von. Wahahaha. Both of us walked to the clubhouse after class. AstrO time! But the sky's cloudy. +.+ No obs again. Sads. But nvm. Hmm..then Kenneth, Kunloong, Von, Vincent, Junxian and I were the only year 1s in astrophotography. Hmmm..so many year 1s. Wondering why only 6 of us are in this particular section. Haha. But we opted for visual toO. ^^ *have to cut ourselves into half to attend both talks* Lol! Then Zong Ye briefed us about what we'll be learning for astro photography. CooL sRl camera!! Worth $4200. Lol. And the whole briefing turns out to be a scam. Zong Ye pointing the camera to himself said, "Let me show you. The flash can be attached to the camera and you can take photos of yourself like this." Then he suddenly turned the camera towards us and..."SNAP!" OMG. I was sitting directly opposite him. Eyes were blur. He did this for like 3 times. Lol! I think I'm gonna be blind before I can learn anything about astro photography. +.+ Lol. But it was quite fun.. Cos' my gang is fun!! Wahahaha! C-K-K-Y! =x Anyways, Dear dear picked me home after astro again today!! So nice. And he had to walk home. Awwwww. -hugs- Shall update tmR or the day after. Must sleep !!!
We can work things out -2:01 AM
Saturday, October 16, 2004
Out with Qi & friends + Dear dear!
^^ I'm bacK! Awww.. exams are cOming!!!! OH NO! Haven't studied a thIng. I'm sO slack. What to dO? Presentations not done yet. Awwww.. why must our group be the last? No faIr!! *_* Anyway, went to Bugis and waited for Dear dear's lesson to end yesterday. Hmm. First time I saw Dear dear wearing a checkered shirt. Wahahaha! *stunned* Kawaii ne! =x Then we proceeded tO City Hall to lOok for Qi & friends. (Qi told me to bring dear along!) Lol. Then the introduction was slightly weird. I had no idea what I said. -_-" Lol! Then went to "Colours by the Bay" for dinner. Ah. Of all restaurants it has to be that. *_* Ok nvm. Lol! That Dear dear kept asking me.."Why are we following 2 weird people and why are 2 weird ppl following us?" Wahahaha! *faints* He's referring to Von & Lekteng, Nix & Qi. Ok.. Had our dinner..as usual I'm the last. +.+ Then we went walking and walking and walking. That crappy person was beside me all along making me laugh and laugh and laugh. Lol! I guess this is one major reason why I get tummyaches all the time. xD Okok..I go le!! Update next time...have to do my presentation stuff le. *_*
We can work things out -11:35 PM
Thursday, October 14, 2004
JogGing again.
Hmmm..went to school today.. So bored and colD. Lolx. After the horrible last lesson, (Econs tutorial) I went to the mrt station and loOked for Dear dear. He picKed me hOme again. xD -hugs- Thank yOu Dear dear! ^^ Had piano lesson and jogged for a while after that. Kinda blur now. Wahaha.. Guess I'm tired. Hmm..ok..Ahh. Can't blog le..I have to do my tutorials before I die tomorrow. Hmm.. Hope Dear dear's headaches are not that bad le.. Dear dear san okarada toki tsukete kudasai!!! Ookok.. in simpler terms..must take care ah!! -hugs-
We can work things out -7:41 PM
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Ok..I went shoppIng with Qi yesterday. Hmm...I shall not elaborate on this ba.. I wanna write it in my diary. Haha. Okies. TOday was alrIght. Woke up late cos' I have not enough sleep again. Forever de. *_* Went tO school..Hmm..feeling really hapPy cos' there are no presentations for our group today. MuaHAhaha! Then first was Ec..hmm..we were listening to presentations from other groups. Hmm..it's kinda bored cos' it's toO formal le. But no cHoice. Hey! But my frIends lOoked coOl with all the formal wear and everytHing! ^^ It's gonna be a disaster for me next weeK. *shudders to think about my blouse* Lol! Then after lunch, it was Idea. Hmm.. THe presentations from class 1B/24 were BORINg. Wahahaha. Cos' the products that they've designed can be found in the market. *_* Such coPycats eh? =x Yeah. Our class' presentations were like 10 times more original than theirs! And during the Q & A session, it was soO fun! LOL! Ron from 1B/24 asked Wan wan's group who would buy a product sO expensive..And Wan wan replied, "We are not selling it to you." WAH wAh!!! Everyone in our class clapped our hands. Wahahaaha! Then Vikrum from the other class asked them why wasn't there any rental cost for their factoRy. Then Si Jie said, "Because it's my father's factory." (It's true though) WoOOO!! Another prO answer!! *apPlause again* Wahahaha! Felt sOoo hapPy. Cos' Ron and Vikrum are in that group which claimed that we copied their product and made us went through sO much trouble. Wahaha. Felt that Wan wan's group helped us toOk revenge le.. xD Then went to lectures. Hmm..bored bored* And came homE. Hmm..During dinner, kor kor brought up the subject of smoking. And he began to argue with Daddy cos' Daddy's smoking like 4 sticks in one hour. *_* 24 x 4 = 96!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This IS craZy lor. The cigarette box that kor kor and I bought for him during his birthday serves NO purpose at all. Zz. Got kinda heated uP but yet..tried to maintain my coOl. Ok. Nvm ah. We were like debating for 1hr. And he never ever learns his lesson. He can still smoke 2 stupid cigarettes right after dInner. Bth. Don't care le. *washing my hands off him* Kor if u want to argue with him next time.. don't include me ok? I don't want all my brain cells to die of anger. +.+
P.S I've goT like 10 mosquito bites on my arms and legs when I woke up one fine day. What's haPpeninG?!!! *I don't wanna die of dengue fever. =x*
We can work things out -7:11 PM
Monday, October 11, 2004
ASTRO finalLY!!!! =x
YoYOyo! THe hYper Caren is bacK! Muahaha. Ok..HUrry up type this entry..having a horrible headache. Ok.. Went to schoOl early this morning to do EC project. *presentation coming up in 2 weeks' time* Hmm...yeaH..i'm such a pig. I slept in the library for one hour. Woke up feelIng very restless. HorrIbly tired. Haha! Then did the project for around one houR. Went for lunch after this. Hmm..then Siying and I bought ice lemon tea and brought it to the lecture halL. Lalala. Hmmm. Then the old Peiwen is finally back! YeaH! So hapPy to see that Peiwen can joke with Siying and laugh so heartily le. =) HaPPy! THis means that I won't have to be sandwiched between them le. YaY!!! =x Then we had Pacc lesson..Wooooo!!! Mr Cheng rocks!!! Always let us off early on Friday! xD Lol..Then we waited for him outside class and Si Jie began taking photos of him. Wahahaha!! She's like totally in love with him.. =x Then we took a few class photos..Quite lame..*machi hand sign* LOL! Ok..then went to Fc6 and rot with Siying..lol. But she left around 5pm..then von von came after Siying left. Had dinner. Then went to Jap class. Yeah! So much fun with von von around!!! ^^ Cos' we are just so lOud every jap lesson..that's how our Yukiko sensei got to know us. =x Hees. And I finally know my jap marks!! 86 marks..awww. I was aiming 90 & above. =x Ahhh..guess it's because of my oral.. Was in a hurry to finish my oral cos' I was rushing for camp 1 month ago. Lol.. Anyways, von von and I walked to the clubhouse together. Hais. We took a look at the sky & we knew there's no obs tonight le. Sad* Hmm..lots of ppl in the clubhouse...=x After a while, we were being asked to listen to a talk. Awwww. Then Thomas and another guy was talking about Radio Astronomy.. wah.. I'm like not the lest interested in it cos' I wanna go into Astrophotography! xD Yeah!! After the talk, I went to "register" myself into the Astrophotography & visual fields. Yeah!! So happy! xD I wanna learn leaRn learn!!!! =) Yeah..feeling so enthu for Astro now. xD Crazy girl.. Then Dear dear picked me up after Astro.. So nice!!! =x And he bought me pure chocolate from coffee bean! Oh ya..and a few days ago, I lost my penciL. Zz. He bought me a new one. Dear.....don't be so thOughtful can? xD -HuGs- i feel so bad.. =x Then went to the playground and finish up my drink..Dear dear don't be so stressed up ok? I'll support you in whatever decision you make. =) But you must be happy orh! xD Okies..I have to go off le..almost 3am now. *_* Blue cRoss tmR!! WoOO! =x Off now! oh yA..I lost my ear stuD. +.+
We can work things out -1:19 AM
Saturday, October 09, 2004
Hmm..today is a boring boring day. Woke up at 650am. Couldn't wake up cos' I slept at 2.30am last night. *_* Then went to ITAB lesson. So bored. But it's much more enjoyable compared to the previous ITAB lessons. Cos' we were taught how to create buttOns in microsoft excel. So cute! We can customize it toO. Wahaha. *CraZy girl* Went for lectures after this. Omg. I don't know what happened. My head became really heavy and I drifted off to sleep.. =x After the lectures, we were supposed to do the EC proposal. But Siying and I didn't bring our copy of the previous proposal. So we'll be doing it tmr morning. Hmm..and Siying accompanied me to the MrT station AGAIN. HAHa!!! She's practically walking me there everyday after school..and she'll head back to the club after that. Thanks ger ger. =) Hmm. When we walked out of OUR school(still in SP), Siying was talking on the telephone with her friend. Then suddenly Siying grabbed my arm and pulled me away. DUH! Stupid car. Almost knocked us down and that stupid driver didn't even bother to horn us or something. I looked into that car and I saw that the driver was a..hmm..no idea he's malay or indian. I think he's malay. And sitting beside him was WilSON. ZZZ. Then the driver parked the car in front of us. Saw Wilson taking the driver's seat..*_* Then he went off speediNg.. Duh..he's already well known in our clarinet section for not-knowing-how-to-smoke but wanting-to-act-that-he-knows-how-to-smoke. Zz. Smoking's so great ah? I guess to them it doesn't matter whether they die earlier or not cos' they wanna act coOl. *can't stand it* Lolx. Think I shall *sit it*. LOL! No idea what am I talking about. Okies. Piano teacher coming le. Got to finish the tutorial for tmr toO. lAters.
We can work things out -3:30 PM
Thursday, October 07, 2004
Hoho! I'm bacK! Yeah!! Today is SporTs Day! For me at least. =x Went to schoOl looking forward to the Mob tutorial. WOW! *first time* It's still my most hated module though. xD We had Alpha Challenge.. Hmm..being blindfolded. Then we had to arrange ourselves according to our birthdates. Hmm..Dawn was on my left (4th Dec), and Weiyi was on my right (20th Dec). Hmmm...then we were holding hands there foR like 1 hr..trying to form different shapes. Wah..lots of people shouting and giving instructions here and there.. =x Quite fun la..but Weiyi's bursting my eardrums cos' he was shouting like a madperson. Lol. Anyway, we went for lunch later. Then Siying and I were talking about canoeing stuff with Wanwan for like 1 hr. =x Wah. So much canoeing stuff to talk about. LOL! I missed those days though. Hmm. Anyways, went back home after this. Yeah. Feeling so hapPY and enthu! Then kor kor came home 1 min after me. Lol! Then we started playing gb with Ks' brother and cousin. Play until like 4pm then I started jogging. Awwww.. Quite sad. Jogged for 0.8km and I'm like so sO tired. Didn't exercise for 1 yr onLY!! No idea when my stamina's sO bad. HuMph. Time to start exercising regularly le! ^^ Then after that kor kor and I started playing with the camera..took lame pics. LOL! Haven't started on my pAcc tutorial till now. Die. Haha. And i haven't washed up yet. =x Ok..better start hurrying before dear dear smacks my butt..Mata ashita!
We can work things out -6:46 PM
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
I wonder where's the entry I typed in here yesterday. Eaten up by coOkie monster? Hmm. Lol..weird. Anyways, stupid headache in class just now.. And used up 2 packets of tissue papers. -sponsored by Peiwen- HOrrible. Zz..anyway..have to hurry up..and do my hw. Going out with piggy tonite i guEss..mountains of work to be done!! Laters!
We can work things out -5:10 PM
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
2 horrible presentations
Guess what? I'll be having 2 presentations tomorrow. One is IDEA. Another is EC. Couldn't wake up this morning cos' I was toO tired. Slept at 4am last nighT. Feeling horrible cos' my throat is not really good. Then Siying and friends came at around 1pm. Hmm..then both of us worked on the proposal and powerpoint. It's soOoo horribly tiring thinking. At the end of the day, 5 of us finished a proposal, powerpoint, 2 mounting panels and a prototype. Zz. But I still got to edit the proposal cos' there were some last minute changes. At the same time, I have to do my EC powerpoint. *_* It's only halfway through and that headache is killing me. Haha. Anyway, I guess I will survive! LoL! After tomorrow, the days ahead are gonna be much much more relaxed until......our Semestral Exam. "+.+" Ok..off to do my project le. ANd..YEs! Peiwen talked tO us sooO much todaY. Wahaha. I think she have to la. Cos' we were doing project together for the whole day. Haha. Alright laters!
We can work things out -11:04 PM
Sunday, October 03, 2004
PACC test.
Hmm..today is a..cute day? Wahahahaha! I WOKE UP LATE!! *_* Set my alarm clock at 7am..But I slept at 3.30am. So I couldn't wake up. HMmm..fortunately, I still reached school in time. YeaH!! =x THen I haven't studied one chapter. While I was walking to the exam venue together with Siying, I was reading the PaCc notes at the same time. Errr...and as a result, I knocked right into a pillar. OMG. Damn embarrassed. =x THere were sOOoooo many people behind me. Cos' everyone was heading to the same direction to sit for that test. Awww. Nvm..lucky Joanne was in front of me and didn't see THAT..or else she'll start teasing me again. xD Lalalala. My nose's sooo painful right now. Has been sneezing for the whole day..awwww. Wonder if Siying will get my virus. Muahahahha. SO evil. Oh ya..the test..Screwed up. Hahaz! 2nd screwed up test. OH no... I don't ever wanna get my results back. Lol. Hmmm..anyway, went to West Mall with Siying right after the test to buy some things. We are still troubling over Peiwen. Hmm..nVm. Anyway, I'm still doing that IDEA project with Siying right now. Seems like both of us...no more mood to think. Haha. *tiRed* Yeah!! Will be going to the movies with dear dear tonite! ^^ Resident Evil 2. Muahahaha! Alright..do project le!!! Stupid Siying..slacking now. Wahahahaha!! Me toO. =x
We can work things out -5:08 PM
Saturday, October 02, 2004