major turbulence

People come and go, it is part and parcel of life. Face it. I read through a few of my blog posts in the past and I came to a realisation: I have changed. I wish I am able to face life's obstacles with such optimism and positivity. But somehow, I have changed. Not for the worst, but to a more rational and mature individual. The zest for life is waning. What is happening? I think I just got thrusted into the world of adults. It is complicated and I do not wish to be there. But what other choices do I have?

The standard of living and fast paced environment here is seriously pushing me to the edge and I would very much like to look for an alternative and take root elsewhere. But sometimes, it takes more courage to stay than to leave. And I have decided, and am determined to stand firm in my decision. But why is there a small and frail voice which tells me otherwise?

We can work things out -7:29 PM
Thursday, June 23, 2011