the worst security guard on earth
Before you accuse someone of something, you will definitely get some sorta proof right? Right?? Something very ridiculous happened. This security guard although commendable for his efforts to curb smoking within the grounds, will definitely fail miserably if he were to conduct any forms of investigation. He, approached me and my 3 friends..
Guard: Why are you smoking?
Me: Huh?
Friend E: (abit stunned, still holding a digi cam in her hands) No, we are all non-smokers.
Guard: (not taking into account Friend E's words, thinking that he caught us in the act) The Director of Estate is only right behind this building, you better stop smoking or else he might fine you.
Me: But none of us are smoking!
Friend E: (annoyed already) We are all non-smokers here, and no one is even holding a cigarette now. How can you any-o-how accuse us of smoking when we are not doing that?
Guard: I'm just telling you that you'd better stop smoking within the grounds.
Friend E: Do we look like the kind who smokes?
Me: Why do you accuse us of smoking?
Guard: I saw it with my own eyes.
Me: (thinking) What the hell! Is he blind? (challenges him) DO you want to check all of our bags?
Guard: I'm just telling you that smoking is not allowed..
Friend E: (agitated) If you wanna check for smokers, go down the grassy patch, we don't smoke.
Me: The bus stop so many smokers you don't want to catch. We're doing our project now and you have to come and interrupt us.
Guard: (finally grasp the true meaning of our words) Sorry for disturbing you, please continue with your project. (and he walked down the grassy patch to stop a guy from smoking)
Is it so difficult to understand simple English?
We can work things out -5:40 PM
Thursday, August 06, 2009