SpideRman 2!! Wee! + BotanIc gardens~

TodaY woke up at 11am cos' I was gonnA meet maBel at 12.15pM in the west mall cinemA. That Siang Yee last nighT don'T let me sLp. ArGh. Anyway, I met Mabel at the cinema anD we actually wanted to smUggle tidbIts. But in the end, we only bouGht a packet of poTato cHips and sMuggled bk meal insIde. =x It's kinda weird eating burger kIng in the cinema. Hahaz. Felt abit weird. Lolx! Spiderman 2 was not bad. But I love the way he "flies". HahAz! So stYlo! Eh eH! Lolx! But he droppEd a few tImes though, cos' there's no more spiderweb. =x After the movIe, we met Kuan yEe at the singtel shOp. Then 3 of us walked tO the bus stOp together to wait fOr Randy, Kenny and Mel. And RandY joinEd us while we were walkIng halfwaY. HMmm. Left kEnny and mEl. KennY callEd tO say that he's in bus 174. And 5mins later we fOUnd out that Mel was in the same bus as Kenny tOo. Wahahaha~ *mEl just finished swimming* Lolx! Kuan yEe and Mel ate burger king in the bus. =x And lots of craPping was gOing on. Lolx! Until when we reached botanic gardens, all of us were still crapPing. Lolx~ *crapPy people* Then we toOk some time to fInd our way tO the Band fIesta. Lolx! When we reached there, they were about tO start. Kenny went over to siT with Ms Tan and a few TangLin members while Ky, Mel, Mabel, Randy and I stand in front of a tree for like 2 hrs. Lolx! The bands there are all gold banDs. Top 10. Hmmm..Got Swiss cottAge, Crescent Girls', St PatrIck's, NanyAng Girls', and River VallY High. All the schoOls are nOt bad. But they are all competing for thE GroOviest awarD~ Lolx. NanyaNg Girls' got it. Awwwww... I want St PatriCks'..><" Oh ya~ Saw DanNy tOo. Si craP de. Lolx~ His sis is frm River ValleY hIgh plAying frencHorn. Wah. River ValLey High lEHz. ><" After the Band fiesta, we walked tO thE bus-stop. Wah. THat kEnnY~ So lamE. Made us lauGh until my chEeks Pain lEHz. Lolx! Then toOk 106 tO Bukit bAtok for our diNner. No idea y we kePt talkIng on the bus. Wah. Like cannoT stop talking de. Lolx! THen went to the hawker centre tO eat. Mabel told her Dad to fetcH her home at 945pm. Lolx! So she and Mel came tO my house while the others all went hOme. Lolx. AIyoZ. I very tired now lE. Going to slP sOon. Oh no! Haven't write my diary ><" AIyoZ. I go chIong lE!

We can work things out -9:35 PM
Sunday, July 11, 2004