CCA bOoths..
BacK frm scHooL! Hmm. Must sPeaK in staNdard eNglish. Lolx! TodaY's lectUre was errr..noT tirIng at alL. Hahaz. We were lAte fOr thE MOB lectUre but nvM. Felt that thE lecturer, Mr ChEong is abit weird. Cos' his eyes keEp lOoking at places where thEy weren't suPposed tO be ><" Then dUring his 2 hrs tUtorial, wah. I'm imPressEd! We didn't learn anytHing about MOB during the 2 hrs. He talked on and on abOut his historY. THen 1 hr later, he tOld us to fill in the "AbouT mE" form. Then he went thrOugh one by one. zZz. When he read my interest that I wrote in the form, I laUgh until bTh. He just kEpt saYing "WAH. PiaNist aH!" Then after that, he saId "WAH! Can plAy the clarInet alSo Ah!" DiaO. Then I just laughed and laUghed. After his lesson, we went for luncH. BUt as usual, foOdcourt 6 was fulL. So we went tO foOdcour 4. After lunch, we went for our ECONS lesson. Thought we were laTe agaIn, but surprisIngly, the lecturer was even later! DOtz. Then after 5 mins, he caMe. He talked tO us about ECONS, tOok attendance, then we can gO! OMg! ><" Only 10mins of lessOn?!! Haha. We were suPposed to go home at 3pm. But we were free at 1.10pm. Hmmm. Walked around and went to the cca boOths at the sports haLl. Eeee..sO smAll only. Compared to the one during our enrolment, it was nothing. Lolx! I'm tryiNg out CADC (current affairs debating club) fOr 1 montH. This club is about organising camps/events for the whole schooL. After signing up for CADC, I went tO AstrO booTh. Sat there and wrote my diary. Muahahaha. Must make use of timE. And I received a call frOm Qi. She tOld me to go down to the orphanagE at Jurong East for an intervIew on SatUrdaY morninG. YiPpeE!!! Lolx! *craZy gEr* Haha. GoinG tO bathE le. Tata~
We can work things out -6:18 PM
Tuesday, July 06, 2004