First daY Of schOol..
WaH. SchOol is soOOooOOo bOring. ><" sObsob~ Went tO school togEther wIth Jolene and friends. No idea y I don't feEl as comfortabLe with them compared tO other friends I have. ><" I even lIke my 3 daYs acquaInted frieNds better. (CADC) MisS thEm~ DurinG lessons, I was practicalLy daYdreAming. ComparIng all the lecturers frm the different modules, I loVE the EffecTive ComMunicatIon's lecturer tHe best! MRs mOk!~ She trIed tO chanGe the atMospheRe in tHe clasS. FrOm bOrIng tOooOoo LIvElY! Hahaz. For the rest of the lessons, I was slEepIng awaY..WeEeeee. Hmmm. WarnIng, highlY confIdential: Don't dare tO saY this in my publIc diArY. But if I still don't saY now, I'm afraId my heart is abouT to burst..I mISs hIm! Lolx~ mIss hIm alOt. HaiZ. ALmost 6 months liaO still can'T forget. Mei yOu yOng! Better starT revIsing my wOrk soOn. Hahaz. 1st daY luckIly don't needa revIse mUCh. UpdAte tILl here. tAta~
We can work things out -9:58 PM
Monday, July 05, 2004