
This is gEttIng weiRd. 0.o JiaFeng msg mE and said that this was his last msG and he'll msg me one year later? 0.o BluR. ANd he also saiD he'll bUy me that windstruck vcd anD gIve me. HuH? I wenT toTalLy bLur~ ANyway, tmR is certainLy gonNA be a..cUte daY! Wahaha. COs' I'm goinG to the cca bOoths together with 2 of my CADC friends. Although it's only 2 of thEm, I'm contented le. Miss alL of thEm ><" SoB..Going together wIth Meinu anD CheryL. Wah. I'll feEl very "bright" tomorrOw. Lolx! Think I walk halfway with them, I rUn awaY? Will that be a gd idea? Wahahaha. ANyway, I got to dO lots of things tmr. HMm. Needa start preparing foR my presentation, read my TIMES magazInes, update blOggies, searCh foR more astrO stuFf. Ahhh. It's enough to take up 12 hrs of my tIme. Think I better go write another diarY! It's realLy late now lE! HAiz. Once agAin, I'm misSing him. ALrighT, needa gEt gOing.
I'lL be bAck -ArnolD sChwarzZenegger

We can work things out -11:28 PM
Tuesday, July 06, 2004