Blue crOss~

Weee.. have a break, have a kit-kat. Eating a kit-kat right now. Hahaz. Guess y am I updating so early today? Lol. I just came back from the blue cross at JE, located near Fuhua Sec. (Yay!! Our scH!) Lolx! Hmmm..I was doing my tutorials frm 10pm until 4.30am. Omg~ My brain almost bursT. It's sO difficUlt~ >.< THen I woke up at 8.30am todaY and went tO the bus-stop at Jurong PolycliNic to wait foR Qi and lEk teng. Ahh~ As usual, Lek teng was late agaIn. Lolx~ THen we walked tO that hOme together. (I have no idea wad is it callEd but I only saw a blue crOss lOgo on their t-shirt. So I assumEd it's blue cross?) Hahaz. THen once the gate was opened, we saw lOts of pPl in the hAll. Hmmm. THen a teenagEr came out and shOok hands wIth me. I was abiT shoCked at how warm and friendly theY were. Then a few more came and shOok our hands toO. Hahaz. But it's obvious that they are intellectually disablEd. Then I played badmintOn with that teenager (Yong siAng). Eh eh! SurprIsed. His badmintOn skIlls were noT bad. And he loOks like a fine young man tO me. I have totAlly no idea why he is in the hOme. He's one of the more abled ones there. And during their teatiMe, we had tO bring them tO the canteen. So I helped another gUy to walk. But who knows, a woman grabbed my arm and kept telling me that she's afraid of something.(in mandarin) My arm hurts ><" But it's alrIght. Saw Yong Siang pushing a wheelchair-bound person and I went over tO help. That malAy guy on the wheelchair loves wearing his hat and imagining himself as superman. >.< AlrighT. Hahaz! During teatime I was chattIng with those who can talk~ Wah. Those speaking in hOkkien to me, I have no idea how to reply them~ Hahaz! I know wad are they talking buT I don't speak hokKien. Only dedicated tO hAkka~ Lolx! And Yong sIang was reallY helpfUl. I can see that he knows everyone there quite well. He helPed tO feed them their foOd, brIng them tO the toilet and everytHing. After their teatime, while I was pushing another wheelchaiR bound gUy named Robert, that woman came grabbing me again. Awwww. I can't push that gUy cos' that woman was grabbIng mE. No idea what tO do but I used all my strengTh tO drag her as well as tO push Robert cos' he was getting fidgetY~ Then after 3 mins, a nurse finally helped mE to pull her away. Lolx. Have tO emphasizE on the word "pULl". Lolx. Then it's cartOon timE~ Yong sIang kept telling me to sit besiDe him. So alrighT. And I was sitting beside another guY. Heard from Qi that he just came tO the home recentlY. Then while we were watching the cartOon, he was reallY fidgetY. I asked him wad's wrong but he can't really speaK. After a few mins, I found out that he missed his hOme. He even crIed and I lent him my shoulDer. Hmm. I felt like I'm trYing to cheer up a small kid~ Kinda weIrd. But I'm definiteLy gonnA gO back to that hoMe again! Lolx. Went tO eat lunch with QI and lek tEng. Who knows vOn and lulu jIe came tO find us. Lolx. Alright. Having a greaT headacHe now. Off tO sLp!

We can work things out -1:00 PM
Saturday, July 10, 2004