Je library...

Hmmm..wokE up at 830am. But went back tO sleep. But I really wanna gO to Blue Cross. So I didn't slp anY loNger. HahaZ. GoT woken uP by yiQi alsO. Kuan yEe doing hW on my study tablE. So fast!! ThEn I toOk bus there. Hmmm. So sUper prO. I reached there at 10.15am when I'm suPposed tO reach at 9.30am. WooO. THen they were dancIng todaY. So I just sat arounD and watcH. Then after that we played the caterpillar thIngy...walk around in circlEs..Then Qi camE! Weeee. Lolx! But a ger suddenLy pullEd me tO dance with her. Wah piAng. Her dancIng xI baO so gd..Lolx! Den it was a cha cha sonG. Zz. ANd she kept turnIng me round and round until I was really diZzy. HahaZ! Then Qi's father came in here toO. Lolx! He was looking around and he kepT saying that it was very meaningfUl. Lolx! THen he sent me to jE librarY! So gd!!! Hahaz! Somemore the car so biG! Lolx!!! Even gavE me a free drInk. HahaZ! I reached there around 11.20am. Then I sat in the cafe for 2 mins waitIng foR kor, kY & mAbel. Went tO the toilet to wash mY hands and when I came ouT, Kor reached le. WAH. SO fast! HaHaz! THen we went to the teenagers section to dO our work. Omg..fULl everywhere. Selfish peoPLe. Some of them toOk the beanies and puT their bAg. Zzz!!! Then we managed tO share a "table" with 2 nice gers. Hmmm. Sat there doing hw for around 3 hrs and I saw quite a number of peoplE! Lolx! It was Alex at first, then I saw Sylvia, Ye xIong, Amelia, Sandra, and err...Aiya. ForgoT le. Zz. Kuan yeE brought the book of answers..IT was TERRIBLe. HahaZ. Cos' it answers all the qns that u ask..So terrIble..When everyone has questions to ask, we lOok for that bOok. Lolx!! Around 3pm, the library is suddenly filLed with musIc. ZZ! Hip hOP + abIt of Metal sonGs somemore. But a few songs were nice thOugh. But stilL, it's a library! Lolx! THen Mabel and others couldn't concentrate any lOnger. So we went tO Mabel's hOuse. When Mabel asked the bOok of ans, " Should they gO to my house to dO our hw?" It saYs "Quick... stop all ur foOling and moaNing around." It's something like that dE. And we were shoCked. Cos' it was not really friendlY. HahaZ. Then went to her house. Did our hw for like only half an hour then have tO go le. Kor goT tuition. So kuan yEe and I ate our dinner at jP. And I went to 2 musIc stores to lOok for the sPirited Away VcD. GRrrrr...NO stoCK! ZZ! Then we went tO eat Anderson's icE cream toO. NIce! Lolx~ Then went hOme le. Grrr...bOoks soooOO hEavY! My feet hurts so much now..partly because of the slippers I'm wearing and alsO the distance that I've walked for the past 1 montH. TIred. HoMewOrk tIme.!

We can work things out -8:43 PM
Saturday, August 07, 2004