Should I or should i not?

Wah..yesterday one whole day at homE. Practically NO voice to talk at all. HahaZ! COughed and coughed like craZy. Then fUhua having a foOd fair..Awww..tOo bad I can't gO. Lolx! Was doing my tutorials for the whole day until 7pm. Then mummY told me to watch the channel U show at 7pm. Xi yuAn lu..Nice lehZ!!! Lolx! Then went to see the doctor...waH~ He gave me so many different tablets..gRrrr..hate medicines. Then for the whole nighT, Peiwen and I was online talking about how to do the presentation tmr. Zzz. Told Sugi to do the powerpoint presentation..But it was done sOoo horribly. >< Both of us did the most work again I guess.

HaIz. SoooO many projects tO do. Just came back from schoOl. We are supposed to hand in a proposal for Ec module..and for Idea, we are suPposed to do another powerpoint presentation..Grrrrrr..But luckily one is due on nxt friday, the other is next next mondaY. >< THe Idea presentation was alrIght..aHh..I'm feeling reallY tired now..gonNa revise my work later cos' I haven't even touched my lecture notes before..Everyone's studYing except mE!!!! Lolx. And this is sooO terrible..I want to jOin the band..buT their practices are very hIong nowadays cos' the concert is cominG. And one bad thIng is...I saw the score once. It's actually alrigHt..they are not runnIng notes..but because of the tempo, we have to "ruN" throughout the whole song. Grrrr. Meng practised for one month already and he told me alot of people still can't get it. HUh....den if I go for the concert which is in 1 month's time, I = Die? Should I join the band? HumPh...if i join the band I have to sacrifice Blue cross on wed. Awwww..But I want to imprOve myself lehZ. So I guess I'll join ba. Lolx!!! Ook..have tO go do my work. Tata~

We can work things out -6:40 PM
Monday, August 02, 2004