Wah..So many thIngs to take!
Lolx! School was kinda physically tiring yesterday. Hahaz. All because of the 10 cups of winnie the poOh gifTs. Lolx!!!! I have to take that all around SP, my clarinet + my file and lecture notes. And I've goT "great" classmates!!! THey saw me taking so many tHings and they chose to climb the stairs instead of taking the lifT..Omg! (THanks aLot) --- sarcastic tOne. Wahahahaha. But lucky Siying volunteered to help me take my clarinet. Lolx! Lessons were ok~ Bored actually. Hahaz. DUring Mob lecture, I was copying notes until I fell asleeP. Wahahaha! Missed out copying lots of words + sentences as a result. =x After Econs lecture, we can gO! YiPpeE!! Lalalalalala. I went to eat lunch with Siying again. So ke liaN. Always 2 of us only. Lolx! THen after lunching, I went to popular to look for fIles. RonnY came along and both of them sent me to the mrT station. But they wanted to watch movIe at the last min. HahaZ. *shi miAn mai fu* So after I found MenG at the mrt statIon, we toOk train together. 3 of them got off at JE mrt station, then I'm alone again. Aww. HahaZ. And I had to carry sOooo manY things. Lolx! Got down at Chinese GardEn and walked for 15mins. OMg. Was sweatIng when I reached the void deck. Lolx! Tired. Then I quickly did my jaP. YIpPee! Mastered them in 15mins. Wahahahaha~ Then MenG came and lOok for me..tHEn we chiong tO band. Saw MabEl looKing so flustered the momenT I stepped into the AvA. Hmm. Ms tan tOld her to apologise tO Ms laI or our band will lose her. Lose lose lOR. Lolx! ^^ Everyone hapPy ma. HMm. But guess Ms Tan wants her to saY gomennaSai to that er xIn de lai lai. Lolx. Up tO u ba mAbeL! (o"o) Band was alrIght. I used lots and lots of air to blow todaY until my tonE very eee. Lolx! AnyOne heard my tOne? Wahahaha. But my mouth muscles were achIng after playing a scale. ZzzZ! I want to practise my clarinet! Lolx! Hmm. After banD, terrIble. HahaZ. Don't want saY wad happEned. =x Then I gave them the presents. Zzz. That cHunmeng forever one. Saw me taking all these presents den he said he wanna share alsO. ><""" MabEl, remember tO tell the others to thank him alsO. Not cheaP horZ. Lolx. Then went hOme after band le. yIpPee!! So hAppY! Looking fOrward to the conceRt on SaturdAy! WoOTs! Lucky I have sOmething to look forward tO. HeEz! ^^ Now I not sO entHu in AstrO le cos' I feel very odd beIng in there. Don't ask me why cos' I don't know toO. HahaZ. Most likEly I think it's because they all have their own cliques in there ba. Guess I don't have again? Wahahaha. But my passIon for the skY will never dIe! HeeZ! Never saY dIe! Lolx! Anyway very laTe le. I'd better gO slp. HahAZ! nIteZ! OyasUminasAi! ^^
We can work things out -1:30 AM
Friday, July 30, 2004