First Day in ZOO

I'm back in Singapore! Currently suffering from "culture shock" cos' the weather here is SO humid and moist! I absolutely hate it. I miss London and friends! Anyway, I'll not be updating about the millions and billions of stuff that happened in London until this weekend when I've got a short break from my attachment.

This is a picture of ALL of us who went to London excluding Chih Wee cos' he's the photographer. Look at all the smiley faces!

It's my first day of work in Zoo and I went for "Breakfast With The Wild" together with STB executives who came to Zoo for a site inspection. Lucky lucky me! Eat buffet FOC. =)

The 2 lemurs - widely known as the Madagascar monkeys.

This is like the cutest little elephant in Zoo. Really cute!!

We can work things out -11:58 PM
Tuesday, September 05, 2006