New timetable

Hai. I'm feeling so frustrated. I have no idea how I'm gonna survive the next semester. It's gonna be projects and prOjects and PROJECTs. Zz. And my timetable is horrible. *_* For the last semester, the earliest we were released from school was 1pm. Now. It's 3pm. Argh. I hate my new timetable. And I just registered for that GEM. (General Elective Module) I wanted to choose Astronomy at first. But I decided to study it next year. So I chose Etiquette and Professional Image instead. But I didn't see the time. And I clicked on the "Thursday 8 to 10am" module. Grrrrrrrr!! How am I gonna survive Thursday? Lessons are up to 4pm on that day. +.+ Hai. Guess I can only take one step at a time. How I wish Dear is with me now.

We can work things out -3:33 PM
Wednesday, December 01, 2004