SP = No shelter.
AlrIght...Lessons were ok today.. But during our first lecture, Siying was late.. Hmm.. Then I left a space for her beside Peiwen...but I have totally no idea why she didn't want to sit together with us. Hmm..We tried calling her but she couldn't hear..Nvm..I sms-ed her. Hmm..she look at me and shoOk her head.. Hmm..Got a bad feeling that she's not really in a good moOd. Hmm..after that lecture I went to talk to her.. Kinda scary..so I didn't probe further. Hmm..Mob tutorial..aHh..i hate this tutorial..practically rottIng.. LOL! And sooOOo many projects to do + the upcoming tests..u can really see all my classmates' tired faces.. Cool..I haven't done much work yet.. Guess I'm in big big trouble. =x Hmm..Then went for lunch after that tutorial..it was raining really heavily..as we were walking down to the FC frm the 6th floor, we were drenched even though there's shelter. So coOl. *_* At the fOod court..even better. Lolx. We bought our foOd..was eating happily when we felt raindrops..eEks! Everyone was trying to finish their foOd as fast as possible..guess I'm one of those who drank more rainwater instead of soup cos' I'm the slowest. humPh. Then we went to the library. Yay! Siying was much better. HeeZ! ^_v Started crapping..Flipped through magazines and I was fascinated by some places in the world.. So nIce! Awww..no time le! My titanic's starting soOn...bathe bathE!!
We can work things out -6:17 PM
Tuesday, September 21, 2004